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CCS Exam Preparation Courses

Our commitment to you is quality and service. We provide the best in education when it comes to CCS Exam Preparation as well as ICD-10-CM & ICD-10-PCS training. We are preparing the next generation of Coding Experts.
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Welcome to CodeMasters

ICD-10-CM/PCS Training and CCS Prep Exam Prep

Learn inpatient coding as you prepare  to earn a CCS credential. ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS TRAINING IS NOW AVAILABLE! in the combo package. We offer high quality education and training for hospital coding and CCS Exam Preparation that is proven successful. Over 1,300 students have taken this program and earned a CCS. Most had little or no inpatient experience. You can too!
Learn ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS including format, structure, and new features. This is a tape replay online program  and is available from the comfort of your home or office and available 24/7 on demand. You can pause, rewind, fast forward and watch the replays again and again.
The CCS Exam Prep Course is tape replay and designed to help you prepare to take and pass the CCS Exam. Learn inpatient coding as we cover the Official Coding Rules and Guidelines as well as Coding Clinic, and all domains on the CCS exam including ethics, compliance, queries, DRGs, HACs, PSIs, UHDDS, HIPAA and much more.
Our program is all about quality, education, confidence and success. Our goal is to provide you the best possible training available at affordable prices. High-quality coding training classes are now available to help you with ICD-10/PCS training or ICD-10 CCS Exam Prep-Register Now!
If your job requires you to assign, review, collect, analyze, or be involved with ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes and you want to earn a CCS, this program is for you. Start with ICD-CM and ICD-10-PCS training followed by the CCS Exam Prep.
Learn and acquire the knowledge and skill you need to be a high quality coding professional. The need for quality coding professionals is growing.

We have the solution-Register Now!

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Pietro Ingrande


​Pietro Ingrande, RHIT, CCS, DBA CodeMasters, AHIMA ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer has educated and provided coding support services for over 20 years. We specialize in ICD-10-CM/PCS hospital coding and CCS exam preparation. As well as coding support for inpatient, emergency room and ambulatory surgery. In addition, auditing services are available to ensure proper code assignment and compliance.
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ICD-10-CM & ICD-10-PCS Training - This program is specifically designed for coding professionals, CDI specialists, billers, and others in need of improving their knowledge and skill in ICD-10-CM/PCS coding.  It can be purchased as a stand alone or part of the Combo package with the CCS Exam Prep. This training includes 16 AHIMA Approved CEUs.
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computer with medical code